
Showing posts from October, 2017

DNA Repair Mechanism - NEIL

DNA repair mechanism through Protein NEIL3 DNA, a nucleic acid which contain genetic information, used in the development and functioning of all known living organism and viruses. In this article we are going to discuss about NIEL3, a protein responsible for maintaining the integrity of DNA in Human and other mammals. Protein NIEL3 was first discovered in the year 2008 and since then it is considered as a basic DNA maintenance enzyme of type glycosylase. It functions as a maintenance protein by patrolling the strands of DNA, checking for lesions-places where one among the four DNA bases has been damaged by radiations or chemical activity. While patrolling if it finds any damaged bases, it cuts those damaged bases free from the DNA backbone also kicking off follow-on mechanisms that links in the proper undamaged bases. Looking at the importance of protein NEIL3 as maintenance protein, researchers and scientists took special interest in protein NEIL3 and came up with th...

Technology that increase the efficiency of vaccines

TECHNOLOGY ENHANCING VACCINE EFFICIENCY: It is a well known fact that, for any pharma companies the most crucial and challenging issue is inventing a technology that can enhance the activity of vaccines. A paper published in Journal vaccine, 2008, by a company called Cure Lab, Inc. a Massachusetts based biotechnology company developed a new methodology for anti-viral vaccination. This vaccination technology comprises of two main components: The 1st component comprises of vaccine antigen that should be in two patterns. One should be easily processed inside the organism’s cells by an intracellular “chopping machine” called proteosome, while other element is resistant to “chopping”. According to the research published in Journal Vaccine, both these forms of an antigen would be used in combination to elicit a much stronger immune response than either of them would be able to do alone. With the invention of technology that could create a form of viral protein that could be eas...

Common laser types used in dentistry

LASERS IN DENTISTRY: Introduction: Laser is the acronym of ‘Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation’. The first laser (ruby laser) was invented in 1960. Since then laser became one of the new effective technology in dental practice. It was first introduced as an alternative to the normal halogen curing light but now it has become the important instrument in many dental applications. This paper gives an insight on laser in dentistry. HISTORICAL REVIEW: Past ten years was a perfect example for clinical application of lasers in dental practice and an international attention has been given by the organizations to this technology. Laser was considered as a complicated technology with limited use in clinical dentistry, but now there is an increasing awareness of the use of lasers in the modern dental practice, where they are used as an alternative to already existing approaches. Its advancement in the field of dentistry is playing a major role in patient...

Top Tips to Decrease Your Breast Cancer Risk

BREAST CANCER : KNOW FEW TIPS TO AVOID..! Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women across the world. It is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are called as ductal carcinomas; those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too. Worldwide, breast cancer comprises 22.9% of all cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) in women. Breast cancer is more than 100 times more common in women than breast cancer in men and more than 13% of the women have the risk of developing breast cancer at any age during her lifetime. “According to recent survey figures shows that, the number of new breast cancer cases is about 115,000 per year in India and the numbers expected to rise to 250,000 new cases per year by 2015 and also the survey fo...

Types of Nursing Specialties and Nursing Specialty Careers

NURSING SPECIALTIES AND CAREERS IN NURSING: Nursing is one of the most imposing profession in modern healthcare system and is essential to the future health care. The profession was believed lowly in many years back, how ever, with time and efforts from individuals like Florence Nightingale the perception of society has altered towards the nursing profession. Florence Nightingale was the legend, who had kick started the nursing profession, the legend who gave her life caring for the people those were sick, wounded and diseased. One of her biggest accomplishment was to raise nursing as profession to the level of a respectable profession for women. Florence Nightingale have got great influence over nursing profession in India and she made a close knowledge of Indian conditions, especially in army sector. She was interested in the running nursing operations for the civilian population, although her first interest was the welfare of the army in India. In 1865, Miss Florence Nig...

Indian Pharma: key trends and predictions

Scientific intelligence, biopharma primary / secondary research, competitive intelligence and regulatory intelligence professionals will benefit from cognizance of key trends in the biopharma industry. For an instance: recent investigation of the Indian drug market has gathered substantial attention, as India seems poised to turn a major player in the pharmaceutical segment worldwide. This report provides some key trends and predictions. BY 2020: INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY TO REACH $55 BILLION According to India Ratings, a Fitch company, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is estimated to grow at 20 % compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next 5 years. The Indian pharma industry, which is expected to grow over 15 % per annum between 2015 and 2020, will outperform the global pharma industry, which is set to grow at an annual rate of 5 % between the same period. Presently the market size of the pharmaceutical industry in India stands at US$ 20 billion. This level of grow...

Efficiency models from Indian healthcare?

Healthcare practices or systems in developed or high income countries especially United States of America (USA) are blighted by high and growing healthcare costs. To attain efficiency emerging countries like India, have put through thought processes that developed countries might be able to take up. This article depicts a few problems in healthcare delivery that India regularly confronts and how it sometimes deals those quandaries. This article also continues thought process about how the developed countries especially USA might use India’s working model to think differently about efficiency, still some of contexts dont use to developed countries. High Patient Volumes Vs Modernized clinical practice: Long waiting lines in busy outpatient department (OPD) is common, especially at primary healthcare or other government medical centres India, there are many hospitals in which a cardiologist confront as many as patients (close to 100 ) in their first half of their day. Suppose what...

The Physiotherapy treatment towards the pain management

Pain Management by Physiotherapist: Pain is unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is a major symptom in many medical conditions, the pain can significantly interfere with a persons quality of life and general functioning. Pain medicine is a sub-specialty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Neurology, Palliative Medicine and Psychiatry. Scientists have been trying for decades to know the mystery of pain. An important break through came in the mid 1960 when scientists discovered that brain could change or modulate the nervous system in response to pain. What normally occurs is that pain begins when the nociceptors (Pain Carrying Fibers). These are small thin fibers located through out body in peripheral nerve they release a bath of chemicals to carry pain message to brain. The study of pain in recent years attracted the physiotherapy. Pain is a major problem in our country as anywhere else but lack of...