The Physiotherapy treatment towards the pain management

Pain Management by Physiotherapist:
Pain is unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is a major symptom in many medical conditions, the pain can significantly interfere with a persons quality of life and general functioning. Pain medicine is a sub-specialty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Neurology, Palliative Medicine and Psychiatry. Scientists have been trying for decades to know the mystery of pain. An important break through came in the mid 1960 when scientists discovered that brain could change or modulate the nervous system in response to pain. What normally occurs is that pain begins when the nociceptors (Pain Carrying Fibers). These are small thin fibers located through out body in peripheral nerve they release a bath of chemicals to carry pain message to brain. The study of pain in recent years attracted the physiotherapy.
Pain is a major problem in our country as anywhere else but lack of formal treatment strategy has been major lacunae in health care of our country. Statistics of advance county show that 15-20% population have acute pain and 25-30% of all population have chronic pain. The annual cost of pain in U.S.A is roughly $100 billion approximately 25 million Americans suffer from acute pain due to injuries. In Australia the chronic pain cost the nation $ 34.3 billion per year.
Patients with pain, at a significantly lower level of performance with in-activity of skeletal muscles atrophy and immobilization that causes a disproportionate loss of Type -1 muscle fibers, Loss of muscle strength and endurance with in activity due to loss of muscle mass, decreased ability to use energy substrates efficiently, decreased neuromuscular transmission and decreased efficiency in muscle fiber recruitment, in activity also deprives bones, joint cartilage and connective tissue of the mechanical stress necessary to maintain tensile strength and elasticity. The motor control, proprioceptive efficiency and balance is altered. Pain is purely subjective examination, it is assessed or measured with valid and reliable tools such as Visual Analog Scale, McGill Pain Questionnaire (Sensory Form), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 11-Point Likert Scale.
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