Top Tips to Decrease Your Breast Cancer Risk


Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women across the world. It is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from ducts are called as ductal carcinomas; those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too.

Worldwide, breast cancer comprises 22.9% of all cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) in women. Breast cancer is more than 100 times more common in women than breast cancer in men and more than 13% of the women have the risk of developing breast cancer at any age during her lifetime.

“According to recent survey figures shows that, the number of new breast cancer cases is about 115,000 per year in India and the numbers expected to rise to 250,000 new cases per year by 2015 and also the survey found that from year 2020 onwards, the India will add more than 2 million new cancer patients every year. The nation is not yet well prepared to fight against of cancer illnesses in spite of the India adding about a million new cases annually.”


The exact reasons for breast cancer has not been found until now what causes breast cancer, we do know that certain risk factors linked to the breast cancer. There are thoughts on breast cancer like, certain changes in DNA can induce normal breast cells to become cancer. DNA is the chemical in each of our cells that makes up our genes — the instructions for how our cells work. Some inherited DNA mutations can increase the risk for developing cancer and cause the cancers that run in some families. For instance, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes — they keep cancer tumors from forming. When they are mutated, they no longer cause cells to die at the right time, and cancer is more likely to develop. But most breast cancer DNA changes happen in single breast cells during a woman’s life rather than having been inherited. So far, the causes of most of the DNA mutations that could lead to breast cancer are not known, how ever, the risk of breast cancer can be prevented by following simple tips:

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