What to do if a Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent

Surviving Nuclear Disasters:

The power of science will never be able to overcome the power of nature and Natural disaster time and again reminds us of the fact that there are many things beyond human control and imagination, the recent earthquake and following chain of events in Japan has showed us how limited are our preparations for a disaster of this scale and magnitude. The most worrying thing that concerns us all is the nuclear disaster and unfolding events, where science and technology goes out of control resulting in a major disaster.

Governments and communities at all levels are planning for the survival in the event of a nuclear disaster. But the survival of individuals also will depend upon the preparation that each person makes. Persons ready to take the right action before and following a nuclear disaster will increase their chances of survival.

This article describes what is to be done before and following a nuclear attack or a disaster. You can greatly increase your family’s and your own protection by taking the Some simple steps to Survival, Knowing the Effects of Nuclear Explosions is essential, as nuclear explosion releases vast amounts of energy in three forms:

  1. Light and heat
  2. Blast
  3. Radiation

The amount of energy released depends upon the size and design of the nuclear fission material used in nuclear reactors or nuclear warheads. A wide range of weapons and delivery systems are available with counties that possess those nuclear warheads and reactors that are used extensively as cheap power alternative.

The effects depend upon several factors, if the weapon is exploded high in the air, or on, or near the ground. An air burst usually produces more fire and blast-damage than a ground burst, which results in a big crater and more radioactive fallout. The effects described below can only be approximate since effects depend upon a number of conditions such as weather, terrain, etc.

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