Follow few tips to avoid Heartburn (Pyrosis)

Heartburn, is a burning sensation in the chest (just behind the breastbone or in the epigastrium), that may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. The condition is medically known as pyrosis or acid indigestion, is defined as “Substernal pain or burning sensation, usually associated with regurgitation of acid-peptic gastric juice into the esophagus.” Heart burn is painful and places persons in an uncomfortable situation. Chronic heartburn damages the esophagus and it can even induce a heart disease.

Signs and Symptoms may Include:​

  • An uncomfortable sensation of warmth or burning in the chest. Which tends to take place after eating or during sleep and it last from a few minutes to several hours.
  • The pain gets worse (when bending over or lying down)
  • Some patients may experience a burning sensation in the throat
  • Sometimes there is a chronic cough, sore throat or hoarseness
  • When swallowing, there may be a sensation of food sticking in the middle of the chest or throat
  • A typical heartburn sufferer experiences heartburn several times in a week. The heartburn will of shorter duration but the symptoms will occur on frequent basis
  • Many of the heartburn symptoms may coincide partially or wholly with those of GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), simply because heartburn is one of the symptoms of GERD.
Pregnancy, certain foods, alcohol and some medications can bring on heartburn. Treating heartburn is important because over time reflux can damage the esophagus.

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