Drug Resistant Bugs – Superbugs

Bugs are back…?

Its one of the shocking revelation of all times researchers in the healthcare sector, have expressed their concern over the new deadly strain of bacteria that is completely resistant to almost all of the known new generation antibiotics, they have said that they have run out of antibiotics that that can be used against these super bugs, these bugs are resistant to some of the most powerful antibiotics. Its the New Delhi Bacteria or New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1).

Although there have only been a few cases identified and reported in the UK, USA, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh so far, but, scientists fear it will go global making it a pandemic, with newer strains making it more deadly and difficult to be treated, If so, that would be disastrous to the human race.

Tight surveillance and new drugs are needed to safe guard says the researchers In the Lancet Infectious diseases paper. Research also says that the bacteria that make an enzyme called New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 or the NDM-1 deceives the incoming antibiotic thereby becoming resistant.

Studies show that the NDM-1 can exist inside different bacteria’s like E-coli, a common source of Community-acquired urinary tract infections, and K. pneumoniae, which is impervious to all antibiotics and the NDM-1 makes them resistant to one of the most powerful groups of antibiotics-Carbapenems. These group of antibiotics were generally reserved for use in emergencies and to combat hard-to-treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bacteria, experts fear NDM-1 could now jump to other strains of bacteria that are already resistant to many other antibiotics and potentially this could produce dangerous infections that would spread rapidly from person to person and be almost impossible to treat.

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