This Summer beware of the Heat Stroke… It could be Fatal
Summer Care | Prevent Heat-Related Illness:
It is summer time and most of us know that extreme heat can make us sick, but most of us believe that heat related illnesses happen only to people who work under extreme heat conditions. But, it is easy to develop heat stroke while sitting perfectly still on the couch, especially at times when the mercury is soaring high. Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. The body’s temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down.
“People just don’t understand the risks of extreme heat,” says Michael McGeehin, PhD, MSPH, director of the division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, at the CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health. “They aren’t aware how quickly they can get into trouble.” And while heat-related illness can be a problem for anyone irrespective of any discrimination, people who have certain medical conditions or who are on certain medications to treat those conditions are at a greater risk of having problems in this hot weather.
“Any chronic disease lowers your threshold to heat injury,” says James Knochel, MD, from the Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. “There’s no question that people with medical conditions are at a higher risk, although they may not know it.”
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