Snacking Habits Impact Health: Study

Do you know that what you eat at 7pm may just impact your dinner habits and in turn your health? 
Everybody enjoys a good snack in the evening. But not all snacks are healthy. Most snacks that we eat during the evening are usually unhealthy as they are mostly deep-fried food items. Not only are they unhealthy but at most time they also kill the appetite for dinner. 
A new pan-India study of snacking by research agency AC Nielsen for Knorr Soups reveals that the highest intake of unhealthy foods takes place in the pre-dinner period. The 4 pm to 7 pm slot is what you need to watch out for. The study surveyed 1,000 respondents from Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata. It covered homemakers, working women (mothers) in the age group of 26-40, belonging to middle and upper income households.  
With dinner time shifting from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm, a wide variety of unhealthy snacks such as samosa, pakodas, noodles, burger and chaat are consumed in the evening which are high in calories. 
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